
The purity of vengeance sinopsis
The purity of vengeance sinopsis

the purity of vengeance sinopsis

Misanthropic homicide detective Carl Morck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas), long since posted to the cold-case division as punishment for reckless conduct, is in an even fouler mood than usual. Alas, if the royal botch Hollywood made of cashing in on the “Millennium” bonanza was any indicator, no one should hold their breath for a stateside franchise.

the purity of vengeance sinopsis

Certainly the whole series appears a natural for foreign remakes. Though sold to numerous territories (albeit not yet in North America), it’s anyone’s guess whether “Vengeance” will make stronger box office inroads outside Europe than preceding entries. Dari sisi skenario sudah menampilkan sisi karakter yang lebih kuat dari aktor utama dan membuatnya menjadi lebih. Padahal saat itu kami belum melihatnya di IMDB dan setelah kami menonton filmnya. Sinopsis journal 64 – Film Journal 64 atau The Purity of Vengeance merupakan bagian dari serangkaian film yang sudah dikenal sebagai Department Q.

the purity of vengeance sinopsis

Director Christoffer Boe’s deluxe packaging makes it all go down smoothly, but it’s best not to dwell overlong on plausibility or anything else once the final credits have rolled. But here, hot-button issues of anti-immigrant prejudice, forced sterilization, sexual abuse and more feel reduced to sensational fodder for a hectic potboiler. The modern Scandinavian mysteries that have swept the globe (led by Stieg Larsson’s “Millennium” books) often have a heart-of-darkness willingness to address social and historical wrongs. However lamented that baton-passing may be, there’s not much room for sentimental reflection in this high-gloss thriller, which is undeniably entertaining yet whose pleasures have the guilty edge of a particularly lurid airport read.

The purity of vengeance sinopsis