Piracy continues to damage the PC packaged goods market and the PC development community." Crysis 2 is still in development and promises to be the ultimate action blockbuster as the series' signature Nanosuit lets you be the weapon as you defend NYC from an alien invasion. We encourage fans to support the game and the development team by waiting and purchasing the final, polished game on March 22. Crytek and EA are deeply disappointed by the news. "Crytek has been alerted that an early incomplete, unfinished build of Crysis 2 has appeared on Torrent sites. CryTek have not responded so far, but publisher Electronic Arts are understandably furious, releasing the following statement: Crysis 2 is much closer to release and the leaked version appears to be mostly complete, consisting of the full single-player game, access keys for multiplayer and the CryEngine 3 game editor. In that case, the game was only partially finished and Valve were able to rework the game's code and structure so that it was not compromised too badly by the leak. The last time there was a leak of this magnitude was in 2003, when a large amount of Half-Life 2 was released onto the Internet. One slight problem: it's been leaked onto the Internet two months before its release date and torrent sites are currently hosting the game. It's an SF first-person shooter which is the sequel to the hugely successful 2007 shooter Crysis and has been worked on by top SF authors Peter Watts and Richard Morgan.

CryTek's Crysis 2 is one of the most eagerly awaited games of 2011.